Saturday, April 10, 2010

Assembly 2010

Friends of LC/NA in the Southwestern Washington will attend the 2010 synod assembly May 14 and 15 in Vancouver. We'll have a display table and have members around to chat with interested persons.

While it appears nothing controversial is on the assembly agenda, there is still lots going on.

We now have two Reconciling in Christ (RIC) churches in the synod: Olympia's Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd became a member last winter, and they join long-time members at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Tacoma.

We'll also have our "hospitality suite" open Friday night at the synod assembly. We invite people to come for refreshments and conversation; it will be late, 9:00 p.m., after the synod banquet in the lodgings of an friend across the square from the hotel.

The Portland Metro Chapter of LC/NA, which includes members from the Clark County, will hold their monthly meeting at a Lutheran church which is near the hotel. We'll announce the location once the site is confirmed. Chapter members support efforts in both Oregon and Southwest Washington. They putting together a website that will showcase their activities and the rapidly growing number of RIC churches in Oregon.

Many people ask why it's necessary to have RIC congregations now that the ELCA has adopted its Social Statement on Human Sexuality and is working on policies that will accept GLTB clergy in committed relationships. One reason is the adverse reaction that has occurred. Two of SW WA Synod's congregations have voted to leave the ELCA, and several others have narrowly missed passing resolutions to leave. Those who supported the August churchwide votes find themselves feeling "guilty" for having caused all this turmoil which "is distracting the church from its mission." In other words, congregations which once felt safe are no longer safe. Thus, if a congregation feels it really wants to say, "All are welcome," an RIC statement shows they really mean it.

One last note: Mel White, noted author and champion of full welcome in church, will be featured speaker at a two-day program June 4 and 5 at St. Luke Lutheran Church in southwest Portland. Details will be announced when available.

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